Gender disparity in education has been a perennial problem in developing countries but an economy devoid of female input lacks stability and growth. Managing education for poverty alleviation will only succeed by empowering female s through equal access to education as males. Several policies, seminars, workshops, declarations and summits have concluded that poverty alleviation and enhanced global economy can be achieved through gender equality in access to education. However, the much celebrated Millennium Declaration Goal 3 which emphasized women empowerment through education as a panacea for poverty alleviation has not achieved the desired female focus in the management of education, especially in developing countries. This review therefore examined gender inequality generally, vis-à-vis the present poverty status of females arising there from. This was with particular reference to commonwealth statistics on gender status of academic attainment beyond primary schools in the six commonwealth regions. Also women rights in politics, economics and marriage were used to portray women’s low status. Further illustration using an original model of between the educated and illiterate women in terms of economic contribution to their families and nation were used to express the helpless and poverty status of uneducated women in developing countries. Arising from the poverty status, the urgent need for women empowerment through education was highlighted. Finally, some strategies in the management of education for enhanced female education to ensure gender parity and alleviate poverty on among females and empower them to contribute positively to their families and even global economic development were suggested.