Authors should prepare their manuscripts submitted to this journal exactly according to the instructions given. Manuscript (Template) in Times New Roman - font type and 12 – size. The language of manuscript must be simple and explicit.

 It should be arranged into the following sections:

(1) Title page, (2) Abstract and Key words, (3) Introduction, (4) Materials and Methods, (5) Results & Discussion, (6) Conclusion, (7) Acknowledgement if any, (8) References, (9) Tables and Figures attached in the concern manuscript part (Ex. Introduction, result etc).

Use Times New Roma - font type and 12 - size throughout the manuscript. For the units of measurement, the use of the International System of Units (SI) is recommended: m (meter), g (gram), kg (kilogram), μg (microgram), s (second), min (minute), h (hour), d (day), y (year), l (litre), μl (microlitre) and ng/ml. Excessive abbreviations should be avoided and abbreviations other than those acknowledged, uniform and standard should be contained in brackets at their first use.

New, significant, innovative and original findings are suitable as Research articles.

Title Page
Please give the title (capital for first character), running title (not to exceed 50 characters and spaces), name of each author and an asterisk placed after the name of the corresponding author, address (es) of the institution(s) at which the work was performed, each author’s affiliation, and a footnote including the complete mailing address, a single telephone number, a single fax number, and a single e-mail address for the corresponding author.

A structured abstract not exceeding 250 words should be arranged. Avoid abbreviations and references, and do not include diagrams. The abstract with keywords should be typed on a separate sheet.

Below the abstract, type 3-7 keywords or short phrases suitable for indexing.

The introduction should not be an extensive literature review although it should provide sufficient background information for the reader to understand and evaluate the results of the present study without referring to previous publications on the same topic.

Materials and methods: The section should include sufficient technical information to allow the experiments to be repeated. Procedural detail that has been published previously should be referred to by citation. When a modified procedure is used, only the author's modifications of the previously published method need to be given in detail.

Results and Discussion

Results should be described as concisely as possible in one of the following ways: text, table(s), or figure(s). Avoid extensive use of graphs to present data that might be more concisely or more comprehensively presented in the figures or tables. The reproducibility and statistical significance of measurements, material or biological data, must be included where relevant. The discussion should provide an interpretation of the results and their significance with regard to previously published work. There should not be any significant repetition of the experimental procedures or reiteration of the introduction.

A short, paragraph summarizing the most important finding(s) of the research is required.

The source of any financial support, gifts, technical assistance and advice received for the work being published must be indicated in the Acknowledgments section.


Literature citations in the text must be indicated by Arabic numerals in square bracket.

Standard Journal Article

Author(s) of article (surname initials), Title of article, Journal title abbreviated Year of publication; volume number (issue number): page numbers. (If more than six authors, the first three shall be listed followed by et al.,)

Books and other monographs

Author(s) of book (surname initials). Title of book. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher; year of publication.

Rebiai, A., Lanez, T., Belfar, M. L. (2011) In vitro evaluation of antioxidant capacity of algerian propolis by spectrophotometrical and electrochemical assays. International Journal of Pharmacology, 7(1), 113-118.

Chapter or article in a book

Author(s) of chapter (surname initials). Title of chapter. In: Editor(s) name, editors. Title of Book. Place of publication: Publisher; Year of publication, Page numbers.

Submission of Manuscript
For a work conducted by a group of researchers, the corresponding author has the obligation to obtain the consent of all co-authors prior to submission of the manuscript. The soft copy of the original manuscript typed with double spacing and formatted according to guide for authors should be sent as an e-mail attachment to: The covering letter should be addressed to: The Editor-in-Chief, Algerian Journal of Chemical Engineering (AJCE), Department of Process Engineering and Petrochemical, Faculty of Technology, University of El Oued, Algeria. The cover letter should include the names and addresses (including e-mail addresses) of five reviewers who have expertise in the subject matter of the manuscript or who have published similar work. The reviewers should not be from the authors’ own organization and preferably from different countries. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2773-3068
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