General structure of the article :
The draft article must be sent in the form of a Word document, Times New
Roman font, size 12 and 1.5 line spacing for the body of the text (except for footnotes which are
size 10 and quotes indented 2 cm to the left and right which are presented in size 11
with 1 or single line spacing). The text must be justified and must not exceed 18 pages. The
manuscript must include an introduction, an articulated development, a conclusion and a

Presentation of the article :

  • The title of the article (15 words maximum) must be clear and concise. It should be 14 pt bold and
  • Just after the title, the author must mention his identity (First name and LAST NAME in bold and in
    size 12), his addresses (institution, e-mail, country and telephone numbers in italics and in size 11)
  • The abstract (200 words maximum) presented in 10 pts size must not be a
    reproduction of the conclusion of the manuscript. It is given in both French and English
    (abstract). The keywords (05 maximum, 10pts size) are given in French and
    English (key words)
  • The text must be subdivided according to the decimal system and must not exceed 3 levels,
    for example: (1. – 1.1. – 1.2.; 2. – 2.1. -2.2. – 2.3. – 3. – 3.1. – 3.2. etc.)
  • The references of the quotes are integrated into the text as follows: (The initial of the first name
    followed by a period, the author's name with the initial in capital letters, the year of publication
    followed by a colon, the page from which the information was taken). Ex: (A. Kouadio, 2000
    : 15).
  • The pagination in Arabic numerals appears at the top of the page and centered.
  • Short quotes of up to 3 lines are put in French quotation marks (“….”), but without italics.

NB : Capital letters must be accented. Example: State, From …

Bibliographic references

Only the references of the cited documents are used in the bibliography. The
bibliographic references are presented in alphabetical order of the author's name. The various elements
of a bibliographic reference are presented as follows: SURNAME and First name(s) of the author,
Year of publication, title area, place of publication, publisher area, pages (p.) occupied by
the article in the journal or collective work.

In the title area, the title of an article is presented in quotation marks and that of a book, a
dissertation or thesis, a report, a written press is presented in italics. In the
publisher area, the publishing house is indicated (for a book), the Name and number/volume of the journal (for an article). In the case where a work is a translation and/or a reissue, the name of the translator and/or the edition (e.g.: 2nd ed.)
must be specified after the title. References to archival sources, oral sources and explanatory notes are numbered in a continuous series and presented at the bottom of the page.

  • For oral sources, create a table with columns containing a
    serial number, the surname and first names of the informants, the date and place of the interview, the quality and
    profession of the informants, their age or date of birth and the main themes
    discussed during the interviews. In this table, the names of the informants are presented
    in alphabetical order.

  • For archival sources, the place where the documents are kept must be stated in full, on the first occurrence, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses, the series and
    the year. This is the abbreviation used in the following occurrences:
    Ex.: Abidjan, National Archives of Côte d'Ivoire (ANCI), 1EE28, 1899.
  • For books, we note the NAME and first name of the author followed by the year of
    publication, the title of the book in italics, the place of publication, the name of the
    publishing company and the number of pages.
    Ex: LATTE Egue Jean-Michel, 2018, The history of the Odzukru, people of the south of Côte
    d'Ivoire, from the origins to the 19th century, Paris, L'Harmattan, 252 p.
  • For periodicals, the author's NAME and first name(s) are followed by the year of publication, the title of the article in quotation marks, the name of the periodical in italics, the volume number, the number of the periodical in the volume and the pages. Ex: BAMBA Mamadou, 2022, “The Dafing in the economic and sociocultural evolution of Bouaké, 1878-1939”, NZASSA, No. 8, p. 361-372.

NB : The articles are the property of the journal.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2958-2814