Author fees

This journal charges the following author fees.

Article Publication Fee: 50,000 (F.CFA)
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Publisher Information

Alassane Ouattara University

Peer review

1. Introduction
Peer review is essential to ensure the quality, rigor, and integrity of articles published in our journal. This policy defines the principles and procedures that ensure a fair and impartial evaluation of submitted manuscripts.

2. Objectives of Peer Review
• Ensure the scientific quality of published articles.
• Ensure the originality and relevance of research.
• Provide constructive feedback to authors to improve their work.
• Preserve the academic integrity of the journal.

3. Evaluation Process
• Peer Reviewer Selection: Manuscripts are reviewed by at least two experts in the relevant field, chosen for their expertise, experience, and impartiality. Reviewers must be independent of the authors to avoid any conflict of interest.
• Type of Review: The journal uses a double anonymity system, where the identity of authors and reviewers remains confidential in order to minimize bias.
• Evaluation Criteria: Manuscripts are evaluated on criteria such as relevance of topic, originality, methodology, clarity of presentation, accuracy of results, and significance of conclusions.
• Evaluation Time: Evaluators have two weeks to submit their report. Reminders may be sent if necessary.
• Review Report: Reviewers should provide a detailed report with constructive comments, recommendations for acceptance, revision or rejection of the manuscript. They should also check whether the article complies with the ethical standards of the journal.

4. Confidentiality
Reviewers must treat manuscripts and their reviews as strictly confidential. Manuscript details should not be discussed or shared outside the review process, except with explicit permission from the editor.

5. Conflict of Interest
Reviewers are required to report any potential conflict of interest as soon as they become aware of it. They must recuse themselves if a conflict of interest could compromise the objectivity of their review.

6. Feedback to Evaluators
Reviewers receive anonymized feedback on the final decision on the manuscript, as well as on other reviews, to improve the quality of their future reviews.

7. Revisions and Decisions
Manuscripts may be accepted, rejected, or returned to authors for revision. If revision is requested, authors must submit a revised manuscript within a specified time frame, along with a detailed response to the reviewers' comments.

8. Calls
Authors may appeal a decision by submitting a formal request explaining why they believe the decision was unjustified. The editor will review the appeal in collaboration with the reviewers and/or other independent experts.

9. Responsibilities of Evaluators
• Provide honest, unbiased and constructive feedback.
• Respect the deadlines.
• Report any ethical or technical issues identified in the manuscript.
• Declare any potential conflict of interest.

10. Conclusion
This peer review policy aims to maintain the high standards of scientific quality of the Akiri journal. The participation of reviewers is crucial to achieve this goal, and their contribution is highly appreciated.

Publication Scheduling

This journal publishes four issues in one volume per year.


Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2958-2814