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Socio-economic and clinical correlates amongst hypertensive patients utilizing Complementary and Alternative Medicines (CAM) in a tertiary health institution in Niger Delta, Nigeria

F.U. Afamefuna
D.G. Yovwin
E.B. Anyanwu


Introduction: World over, patronage of CAM products is on the increase, even when more potent conventional therapies with less side effects are continually being researched and produced. This study aimed at determining the socio-economic and clinical correlates of hypertensive patients utilizing CAM products in a tertiary health institution in Delta State.

Materials and Methods: A total of 572 participants diagnosed with essential hypertension that met the
study criteria were studied. A half of the participants (286) were on conventional treatment only (Group
A) while the other half (286) were on conventional treatment and CAM (Group B). Types of CAM products used, reasons for utilization, sources of CAM product knowledge and Family support for use were studied.

Results: Age group, marital status, higher levels of education, social class group, monthly level of income, body mass index, family history of hypertension and duration of hypertension were significantly associated with CAM utilization.

Conclusion: Family influence, higher body mass index as well as the duration of hypertension are strong predictors of utilization of CAM products amongst hypertensive patients.

Journal Identifiers

print ISSN: 2141-6397