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Antiprotozoal activity of extracts of Elaeodendron trichotomum (Celastraceae)

Carolina Roca-Mézquita
Manlio Graniel-Sabido
Rosa E Moo-Puc
Lorena V Leon-Déniz
Rubí Gamboa-León
Carely Arjona-Ruiz
Juan Tun-Garrido
Gumersindo Mirón-López
Gonzalo J Mena- Rejón


Background: Chagas disease, amebiasis, giardiasis and trichomoniasis represent a serious health problem in Latin America. The drugs employed to treat these illnesses produce important side effects and resistant strains have appeared. The present study was aimed to evaluate the antiprotozoal activity of leaves, stem bark and root bark of Elaeodendron trichotomum, a celastraceus, that is used in Mexico as an anti-infective in febrile-type diseases.
Materials and methods: Dichloromethane and methanol extracts of leaves, bark and roots of Elaeodendron trichotomum were tested against Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia lamblia, Trichomonas vaginalis, and Trypanosoma cruzi. A quantitative HPLC analysis of pristimerin and tingenone was performed.
Results: The dichloromethane extract of roots was active against E. histolytica, G. lamblia, T. vaginalis, and T. cruzi, at IC50’s of 0.80,0.44, 0.46, and 2.68 μg/mL, respectively. The HPLC analysis revealed the presence of tingenone (3.84%) and pristimerin (0.14%).
Conclusions: The dichloromethane extract of the roots bark showed significant activity against all screened protozoa.

Keywords: Elaeodendron trichotomum, antiprotozoal activity, Celastraceae,  tingenone, pristimerin, root bark.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0189-6016