The incidence of child labor in onion farming in Garu-Tempane has received less attention at the local and national levels. The study examined factors influencing child labor in onion production in Garu-Tempane district in the Upper East Region of Ghana. Primary data were collected from the onion farmers, children involved in onion farming, staff of institutions responsible for ensuring the welfare of children and teachers in Garu-Tempane district. In all, thirty-one (31) respondents were interviewed. Secondary data were obtained from the Department of Social Welfare and other sources relevant to the study. Data analysis was done using the thematic analysis method. The researchers familiarized themselves with the data collected through recording and transcription. The transcribed data were grouped into thematic areas based on the research objectives. The findings show that children's quest to have their own farm, poverty, socialization, large family size, low level of awareness, and Insufficient water supply are the factors influencing child labor. The study recommended an increased public awareness campaign. The formation of committees at the community level to be responsible for monitoring the work that children are engaged in. It also explored policy options for addressing the issue of child laborers in Ghana and how this can be prevented and improved .