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Antiphase phenomena in 2d ising square lattice
that prevents the system from reaching the ground state. This happens only in lattices with odd linear size L (L = 9, 15, 31 …). However, these boundaries do not change the critical temperature of the Antiferromagnetic/Paramagnetic (AFM/PARA) phase transition which remains approximately at 2.26 (in unit of J/kB). Nevertheless, they impose on the curve of the specific heat a jittery behaviour as a function of the temperature and with no clear peak as opposed to the case of even L (L = 16 ,20, 48,…) where there is a clear peak and a smooth curve. There is also a fluctuating magnetization around the value zero at low temperature (AFM phase). We show that this energy gap is proportional to 1/L where L is the linear size of the lattice, thus this gap should vanish if L becomes high. A similarity has been established with the role played by APB in some crystal structures and more especially in the binary alloys that are moreover described by the Ising model.