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Mot clés: latérite, briques stabilisées, fibres cellulosiques, résistance à la flexion, absorption par capillarité.
ABSTRACT:- In order to give added value to local raw materials, compressed laterite bricks have been stabilised with cellulose fibres of Cyperus papyrus (cyperus), long fibres and Manihot esculenta (cassava), short fibres. The highest value of the dry flexural resistance, 2.53 MPa, was obtained with blocks stabilised at 5% long fibres content. At the same content the blocks of laterite containing short fibres gave a dry flexural resistance of 2.47 MPa which is higher than the value of 2.08 MPa for long fibres. The wet flexural resistance of all blocks is zero. But it can be noted that bricks containing cellulose fibres of cyperus and cassava at percentages higher or equal to 5% conserve their shape during complete immersion. The bricks absorbed water by capillarity depending on the nature and the percentage content of cellulose fibres. After a period of 22 hours, bricks containing 7.5% long fibres absorbed 6.0% water, less than 9.5% for unstabilised bricks; while at 10% of long fibres, absorption increased to 15.3%. In the same period, with 10% short fibres, the percentage water absorbed rose to 16.2%, indicating the better performance of the longer fibres.
Key words: laterite, stabilised bricks, cellulose fibres, flexural resistance, absorption by capillarity.
African Journal of Science and Technology Vol.5(1) 2004: 22-28