The pulp of Canarium schweinfurthii L. was analysed for proximate composition and selected physicochemical properties using standard methods. The pulp contained 32.25% moisture, 3.25% ash, 23% crude fat, 0.75% crude fiber, 20.43% crude protein and 20.10% carbohydrate. It also contained 0.21% water soluble ash 1.75% titrable acidity and 98.45mg/100g calcium. The pulp was found to be slightly acidity with a pH value of 5.4. other physical characters include specific gravity of 1.0012, total soluble solids of 8.2(Brixo) and refractive index of 1.3568. The oil extracted from the pulp was characterized and contained moisture, 0.21%, acid value 0.68, saponification value 196.35, iodine value 89.83 and peroxide value of 7.80.
Key Words: Physicochemical properties, Canarium Schweinfurthii, proximate composition, edible oil.
(Af. J. of Science and Technology: 2003 4(1): 1-4)