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Assessment of Physicochemical Parameters and Heavy Metals in Okpare Creek Drinking Waters, Delta State, Nigeria

Ikegu, O.
Esi, E.O.
Olomukoro, J.O.
Akpoyibo, O.


Efficient and sustainable management of the environment requires periodic monitoring of the various ecosystem matrices therein. In this study, the physicochemical parameters and heavy metals in Okpare Creek water in Niger Delta, Nigeria were analyzed using in-situ measurement with the aid of a multimeter probe (6920 V2-1 Multiparameter Water Quality Sonde, Xylem Analytics, USA) and laboratory analysis. A total of 96 water samples were collected for four stations within the period of two years. The samples were analysed to highlight the spatiotemporal variability of the parameters, determine the health status and potential for ecological protection of the system. The average physicochemical parameters and heavy metals: Temperature, TDS, TSS, Turbidity, EC, pH, DO, BOD, Chloride, Bicarbonate, Sulphate, Phosphate, Nitrate, Total hardness, Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium and WQI obtained results
are 29.35, 33.17, 184.22, 129.76, 62.23, 5.95, 2.63, 3.61, 7.80, 1.74, 1.48, 0.03, 0.07, 9.05, 2.03, 2.14, 2.62, 4.01 mg/L and 564.41 respectively. The levels of turbidity, TSS, DO and pH at all the stations did not comply favourably with national and international surface water regulatory standards, but all other parameters are within the permissible limit. The data obtained were subjected to univalent and multivalent statistics as well as water quality index (WQI). Generally, the parameters showed more spatial than temporal differences, this condition was mostly attributed to anthropogenic activities. Except for TDS, electrical conductivity, pH, chloride, and sulphate, the concentrations of other parameters differ significantly (p<0.05) across the stations while only the concentration of calcium differs significantly (p<0.05) across the seasons. However, other parameters maintained some sort of variation across the seasons. With the aid of WQI, contamination that arose from organic matter decomposition was identified as a factor that is responsible for most variations on the water quality. The results from this research can serve as a basis for sustainable management of aquatic ecosystems within the region. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2734-3898
print ISSN: 0795-2384