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Design and Fabrication of an Optimised Coal-Fired Crucible Pit Furnace

Akor, T
Jafaru A. M
Garuba D. K.


This paper presents the design, construction procedures and result of the test for evaluating the performance of the optimized coal-fired crucible pit furnace. The shell is made of a mild-steel sheet of 2mm thickness, lined internally with refractory bricks. A motorized blower is incorporated to provide sufficient air circulation and pressure for effective combustion of the coal. Thermocouples and a pressure gauge are also attached to the shell to monitor the internal conditions of the furnace. The top of the furnace is closed with a brick walled cover fitted with a pipe to avoid convectional and radiation losses but allow for easy escape of combustion gasses. The crucible furnace was tested. It melted 2kg of aluminum- scrap in 18 minutes at a temperature of about 6620 C. The furnace temperature was allowed to reach 7820 C for the charge to completely melt and be fluid enough for casting. The thermal efficiency of the furnace is 14.7%.; indicating very good performance. Normally the thermal efficiency for pit furnace is between 4-19%.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2734-3898
print ISSN: 0795-2384