The activities of the oil and gas industry which commenced in the Niger Delta Region (NDR) of Nigeria in 1956 with the discovery of petroleum in commercial quantities at Oloibiri have had tremendous and irreversible impact on the culture, socio-economics and livelihoods of the inhabitants of the region. These activities have altered lifestyles, settlement patterns and social structures adversely, decimated bioresources and biodiversity, dislocated people from their livelihood sources, created an unprecedented wave of insecurity and new health challenges and ultimately impoverished the inhabitants of the region. These issues and the failings of the transnational corporations (TNCs) to meet their corporate social responsibility (CSR) and that of the Nigerian government at the three tiers to fulfil their obligations in the social contract to their citizens is explored. In addition, the changes urgently needed in the polity and governance in order to create sustainable livelihoods, improve living standards and increase life expectancy have been critically analysed.
Key words: Oil and gas industry, socio-economics, livelihoods, Niger Delta