Nature of Articles: Articles should be of sustainable development interest and include full- length reports of original research not previously published elsewhere; research notes which consist of brief reports of new findings, techniques and equipment of importance to sustainable development practice. Reviews or announcement of publications, reports of various sustainable development practice agencies in Africa. Manuscripts should be written in English. Eligibility to Contribute: Contribution of articles to African Journal of Sustainable Development (AJSD) is open to all members of the African Sustainable Development Network and anyone engaged in sustainable development practice in Africa and the world at large. Relevant papers from other authorities and related disciplines are also accepted. Length of Manuscript: Manuscripts should be of reasonable length and should not exceed 15,000 words. Preparations of Manuscript: Manuscripts should be typed with 1.5 spacing on A4 size paper with all pages numbered. Footnotes should be listed in numerical order designated with familiar symbols at the bottom of the page or below the tables and figures when necessary. Foot-notes should not be used for references with the later presented at the end of the text. Ample margins of at least 1.5 inches should be allowed at the top, bottom and left hand side of each page of the text. Capital letters should be used only for proper nouns and certain words derived from them, scientific names of genera, families, species, order etc, and the initial letters of all important works in the title of the paper. Main center headings of important section of the article like abstract, introduction, materials and methods etc, should have the entire letter capitalized. The italics type, usually designated by underlining the words to be italicized with single straight lines, should be used for scientific names (genera and species), algebraic symbol, legends to tables and figures, title of book and periodicals. Names of chemicals should not be designated with chemical formulae. Only SI units would be acceptable. For words with two or more accepted spellings (e.g. organisation and organization) the version used in the concise Oxford Dictionary will be preferred. There should be no numbering of the side headings. Side headings up to the third level only would be accepted in the body of the text. All the primary side headings should be title case and the subsequent levels should be in lower case. Title: The title of the manuscript should be free flowing in title case with not more than 23 words. Abstract: Each article must be accompanied by a one paragraph non-segmented abstract of not more than 250 words. The abstract should contain simple, factual and informative statements on the study, procedure/methodology, results and conclusion. Keywords: A maximum of 5 keywords relevant to the subject of the paper would be accepted and this should come at the foot of the abstract Tables and Figures: Tables should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and they should be able to fit into the pages of the journal. Each table should be inserted after the page or where reference to it was first made. Figure includes graphs, photographs or any other type of illustration. The number of figures, especially photographs, should be kept to a minimum and no figure should be used to represent what has been presented in a table. Graph should be drawn on an unruled paper or on squared paper with blue line, except where coordinate ruling is required to appear in print, in which case papers ruled in black or red may be used. Photographs should be of high quality and printed in glossy black or white papers. It is best to use photographs which are reproduceable in their original size or reduced in the process. All figures should be numbered consecutively in Roman numerals. References: References cited should be current (preferably not more than 10 years) and should be relevant. A list of references should be presented in alphabetical order with the author’s name (in capital) coming first followed by year of publication (in bracket): title of paper with only the initial letter of the first work capitalized; name of the journal in italics and abbreviation according to the Word List of Scientific Periodicals: volume number in bold, Arabic numerals; and pages of the journal referred to. For example: Bryant C.L. and J. Proctor (1970). Rainfall distribution of a growth indicator for pterocarpus angolensis in Tanzania. Commonwealth Forestry Review 46,180-184. For book citations, the author’s name first, followed by year of publication in brackets, title of book italicized, edition and volume number, if any, total number of pages; publishers; and town of city of publication, for example: Osman, F.C. (1968). The Management of Forests, 1st ed. Pp74-77 London, Faber and Faber. Where an author or several authors’ joint- authors have published more than one article (in the same year) to which references are made letters of the alphabet should be added to each year to distinguish between them, e.g., 1955a, 1956b, etc. Proofs: Only one proof if sent to authors and it is desirable that alterations should be kept to a minimum to avoid extra cost of resetting which may be charged to the author. Where more words or phrases added, letters or words of equal length should be removed so as not to undo the setting. Publication Fees: Authors of manuscript accepted for publication will be expected to pay a sum of USD50 only as publication fee per manuscript. Authors will receive a copy of the journal containing their manuscripts free but any additional copies must be purchased at the prevailing price from the Business Manager of the Association. Submission style: In the interim manuscripts should be submitted via email attachment to or . However, on-line manuscript submission would be the most preferred in the nearest future. Correspondence: Manuscripts and all communications on editorial matter should be addressed to the Editor, African Journal of Sustainable Development (AJSD), C/o Centre for Sustainable Development, University of Ibadan, Nigeria via Copyright: Authors are expected to sign a copyright agreement form and submit on acceptance of their manuscript prior to publication

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