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A Study of the Use of Primolut N Tablet as a Contraceptive in the Kumasi Metropolis of Ghana
contraceptive by women in the Kumasi metropolis of Ghana. Clients who called at any of the twenty (20) selected Pharmacies in residential areas within the Kumasi metropolis demanding the drug, with or without valid prescriptions were interviewed using a guide. Of the two hundred and twenty (220) users interviewed, 94% demanded the drug for contraception and 6% for menstrual disorders. Sixty one percent of those demanding it for contraception were between the ages 20-25 years. Respondents preferred the
use of norethisterone tablets as a contraceptive to other methods because it worked for them and they also found it easy and convenient taking a tablet just before coitus than taking daily oral contraceptive pills. Norethisterone is being used as a pre-coital contraceptive, though the efficacy, safety and reliability of the drug for that purpose is unknown. Until these are known, women must be discouraged from using the drug (Afr J Reprod Health 2011; 15[1]: 65-67).