Audit of uterine rupture (UR) used as a process indicator, can identify factors considered avoidable to improve future quality of obstetric care. Records of UR cases at a referral maternity in Luanda were studied retrospectively (n=43) and prospectively (n=67) including basic obstetric information, maternal and foetal outcome, duration of labour, time interval between diagnosis and intervention, drugs used, type of delivery and intervention, surgical procedures and complications. A clinical estimation of avoidability was based on this information. Prevalence of UR was 4.9%. Maternal case fatality rate was 14% and early perinatal mortality 71%. Women with previous Caesarean Section (CS) constituted 28%, grand multiparous women 44% and primiparous women 6%. Uterotonic treatment was given in 36%. Avoidability was estimated to 65%. Regular morbidity-oriented audits with analysis of clinical manage-ment reveal weaknesses in obstetric care and may serve as an instrument for future improvement (Afr. J. Reprod. Health 2010; 14[2]:55-62).