Climatic and edaphic conditions at Eragrostis lehmanniana Nees sites in south-eastern Arizona, USA were compared with those in the Cape Province, RSA to determine a range of conditions under which the species might be expected to establish and persist in southern Africa. Mean annual precipitation amounts and temperature extremes were highly variable where Lehmann lovegrass predominates, but in most summers precipitation accumulations ranges from 150-220 mm and temperature extremes ranges from 20-35 °C in 30-40 days. Soils at Lehmann lovegrass sites in the Cape Province were more coarse textured and nutrient concentrations were usually less than at sites in south-eastern Arizona; but trends in particle-size distributions and measured chemical concentrations were generally equivalent. Climatic and edaphic conditions in central Botswana and north-eastern Namibia generally range between those in south-eastern Arizona and the Cape Province, RSA and we expect that seeded Lehmann lovegrass stands in these areas would enhance semi-desert grassland productivity.
Keywords: arizona; botany; botswana; cape province; climate; distribution; eragrostis lehmanniana; grassland; kalahari desert; productivity; range; seeding; semi-desert; soils; sonoran desert; south africa; southern africa; temperature