Trees were felled 150 mm above ground level and various mixtures of picloram with 2, 4-D amine, 2, 4, 5-T amine in water solution or 2, 4, 5-T ester in diesel oil were applied to the freshly-cut surfaces. Mixtures of picloram/2, 4-D amine and picloram/2, 4, 5-T amine, both water soluble, gave the highest kill rates when applied to trees in the growing season (October and May). The oil emulsifiable picloram/2, 4, 5-T ester formulation tended to be effective throughout the year and high kill rates were frequently obtained with applications made in June or July. Application rates of picloram/2, 4-D amine or picloram/2, 4, 5, -T amine (expressed as g.a.e. picloram per mm girth) required to kill 80% of the trees were 0, 012-0, 016 for A. karroo; 0, 016-0, 037 for T. sericea and 0, 037 for J. globiflora. Few of the treatments applied to B. spiciformis trees resulted in kill rates of more than 65%.
Keywords: 2, 4, 5-t; 2, 4-d; acacia karroo; arboricide; brachystegia spiciformis; bush control; cut stem; julbernardia globiflora; kill rate; picloram; terminalia sericea; treatments; trees; zimbabwe