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Short Communication:

A preliminary evaluation of annual, wintergreen pastures using weaned lambs in the eastern Cape sourveld.

Coetzee T.G.
Barnes G.R.
Trollope W.S.W.


Animal production and feed availability on oats, vetch and oats/vetch pastures were evaluated under continuous grazing, at three stocking rates, using weaned lambs. The oats and oats/vetch mixture generally produced significantly more available above-ground phytomass (AAP) than the vetch pasture. No significant differences in AAP or average daily gain (ADG) were measured between stocking rates on the different pastures. The levels of food availability and animal production obtained with the different pastures indicate that oats, vetch and an oats/vetch mixture can be used as annual, wintergreen pastures in the eastern Cape sourveld. However, the stocking rates that were implemented were too low to determine the production potential of the different pastures and an evaluation of the pastures at higher stocking rates is recommended before any recommendation on optimal stocking rates can be made.

Keywords: above-ground phytomass; adg; afrikaans; animal production; availability; avena sativa; average daily gain; continuous grazing; daily gain; dryland; eastern cape; food availability; grazing; lambs; oats; pastures; phytomass; production; production potential; sourveld; south africa; stocking rate; stocking rates; vicia villosa

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1727-9380
print ISSN: 1022-0119