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Development of a technique for assessing veld condition in the Kruger National Park using key grass species.

Trollope W.S.W.


Focuses on a technique developed for assessing veld condition in the Kruger National Park in terms of its potential to produce grass forage for consumption by herbivores and fine fuels for veld burning. Fourteen grass species were selected out of a total of 93 species. Illustrates with tables and graphs; A technique based on key grass species was developed for assessing veld condition in the Kruger National Park in terms of its potential to produce grass forage for consumption by herbivores and fine fuel for veld burning. Fourteen grass species were selected out of a total of 93 species. Forbs were treated as a single separate category. The key species included at least two species from the decreaser and increaser categories. Multiple regression models were developed using these species which are able to estimate accurately the forage and fuel potential of the veld and also indicate trends in the condition of the grass sward.Language: English

Keywords: Fuel models; Key grass species; Modelling; Nature conservation; Veld; Wild life; burning; fire; forage; forbs; grass; herbivores; key species; regression model; regression models; veld burning; veld condition; technique; grasses; kruger national park; models; fuel potential; grass sward; south africa; vegetation types; fuel load; fuel score

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1727-9380
print ISSN: 1022-0119