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The complemental role of dryland cultivated pastures in market-related beef production from semi-arid rangeland.

Du Pisani L.G.
Skinner T.E.


Rangeland condition is a decisive factor in determining the income/cost ratio of production hence in the profitability of any beef production enterprise. Cultivated pastures can play an important role in improving range and condition through reducing grazing pressure. The advantages and disadvantages of introducing cultivated pastures at different stages in the production system on the economic viability, and on reducing grazing pressure on semi-arid rangeland, are discussed; Rangeland condition is a decisive factor in determining the income:cost ratio of production and hence in the profitability of any beef production enterprise. By maintaining and/or improving rangeland condition, the beef producer can buffer himself against low profitability. Cultivated pastures can play an important role in improving rangeland condition through reducing grazing pressure. The inclusion of planted pasture to reduce pressure on rangelands can only succeed and be propagated if the producer is not financially worse off in the short term. The advantages and disadvantages of introducing cultivated pastures at different stages in the production system on the economic viability, and on reducing grazing pressure on semi-arid rangeland, are discussed. Research in the Central Grassland has shown cultivated pasture could be successfully employed in a supplemental role to rangeland. Furthermore, it would appear that it is economically more advantageous to use cultivated pastures for finishing cattle rather than in the pre-weaning stages.Language: English

Keywords: Cultivated pastures; Drylands; Grazing pressures; Semi-arid rangelands; dryland; economics; grazing; grazing pressure; rangeland condition; pasture; beef production; semi-arid rangeland; profitability; grassland; cattle; pastures; rangelands

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1727-9380
print ISSN: 1022-0119