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Relations between soil factors and herbage yields of natural grassland on sandy soils in the south-eastern Transvaal.

Barnes D.L.
Swart M.
Smith M.F.
Wiltshire G.H.


Forty systematically-placed observation points were established in a 1.5-ha area of floristically uniform veld in which productivity varied spatially. At each point grass yields were determined by harvesting quadrants at eight-week intervals during the growing season, and the volumetric water content of the soil was measured weekly. Illustrates with tables and graphsLanguage: English

Keywords: Cation exchange capacity; Correlation matrix; Nitrogen supplies; Root mass; Root measurements; Soil acidity; Soil variables; Soil water content; Soil water measurements; Yield measurements; nitrogen supply; ph; herbage yield; grassland; soils; productivity; soil depth; dry matter yield; grasses; water content; n; k; soil water

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1727-9380
print ISSN: 1022-0119