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Inter-related floristic changes associated with different long-term grazing treatments in Sourish Mixed Bushveld.

Smit G.N.
Rethman N.F.G.


Eight camps, grazed annually during different seasons by steers, were surveyed. Herbaceous species were grouped into Decreaser and Increaser categories according to their reaction to grazing. Illustrates with graphs and tablesLanguage: English

Keywords: Decreasers; Grass production; Grazing gradients; Increasers; Sourish Mixed Bushveld; Species composition; Tree densities; canopy cover; floristic composition; grazing; grazing days; grazing gradient; grazing treatments; increaser species; mixed bushveld; panicum maximum; period of occupation; stocking density; tree density; woody plants; production; herbaceous species; overgrazing; grasses; aloe transvaalensis

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1727-9380
print ISSN: 1022-0119