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Important environmental factors influencing the natural distribution of Schmidtia kalahariensis Stent and Enneapogon cenchroides (Licht) C.E. Hubbard (E. Mollis Lehm) in South West Africa.
The response of two important annual pasture grasses of South West Africa, Schmidtia kalahariensis and Enneapagon cenchroides, to different environmental factors is reported. Differences between the two species with regard to tight energy requirements, duration of the life cycle, nutritional requirements, palatability (caused by acid secretion) and germination characteristics were recorded. A correlation between these differences and the natural distribution of the grasses concerned was demonstrated.
Keywords: afrikaans; botany; distribution; energy requirements; enneapogon cenchroides; environmental factors; germination; grasses; life cycle; namibia; natural distribution; palatability; pasture grasses; schmidtia kalahariensis; south west africa