Results are reported of a series of experiments designed to study the management of E. curvula for seed production in the Natal Region. The following are the main points which arose from this investigation: (a) approximately 90% of the seedheads present at harvest in December were produced by tillers which emerged in the previous autumn; (b) inflorescence emergence in the spring spanned an 18 to 20 day period and the later emerged heads, although smaller than the early heads, contributed almost 50% of the seedhead population; (c) both the time and rate of applying nitrogen influenced seed production to a considerable extent (maximum seed yield was obtained with an application of 120kg N/ha in spring); (d) removal of over-wintered forage by burning in early spring had a marked effect on subsequent seed production, giving a yield of over 500 kg/ha of seed, and (e) defoliation at inflorescence initiation had no detrimental effect on seed yield when the stand was supplied with 180 kg N/ha in spring.
Keywords: botany; defoliation; eragrostis curvula; natal; nitrogen fertilization; seed production; seed yield; south africa; tillers