The livemass gains of long yearling steers grazing Cynodon nlemfuensis in the moist phase of the Natal Tall Grassveld at three stocking rates over a five year period are discussed. Maximum recorded average daily gains were 1, 2 kg in spring, 0, 76 kg in summer and 0, 54 in autumn. An average of 1 100 kg/ha livemass was produced at a stocking rate of 10 steers/ha. The average daily gains was related to herbage on offer per 100 kg livemass and to mean daily maximum temperature but not to crude fibre or crude protein content of the herbage.
Keywords: average daily gain; beef production; crude fibre; crude protein; crude protein content; cynodon nlemfuensis; daily gain; grass; grasses; grassveld; grazing; herbage; live mass gains; natal; production; protein; south africa; star grass; stocking rates; tall grassveld