Growth curves from two sources of nitrogen at levels ranging from 0 kg N to 240 kg N/ha indicated DM yields of 2 000 kg/ha to 13 000 kg/ha from Pennisetum clandestinum at various localities in the Natal region. Once the basal requirements of potassium has been met, additional K does not affect kikuyu production. However, applications of nitrogen and phosphate are additive in production response. The Whittet seeding kikuyu was not superior to the non-seeding ecotype in production potential. On grazed kikuyu about 40% of the nitrogen is recycled. Infrequent, severe defoliations are more likely to maintain clover in kikuyu pastures than will frequent, light defoliations.
Keywords: cedara; clover; defoliation; dm yield; growth; growth curves; kikuyu; kikuyu pastures; natal; natal midlands; nitrogen; pasture; pennisetum clandestinum; phosphate; potassium; production potential; seeding; south africa; south coast; yield