Star grass (Cynodon aethiopicus cv. No. 2) was grazed to leave stubble of 5, 15 or 25 cm. In height after grazing. In the first year (1972-73) 350 kg. P per ha, and in the second year (1974-75) 500 kg N and 39 kg P per ha, were applied. Grazing was done at 15-day intervals although in the first year this was not always possible because of poor rainfall which affected growth. In both years amounts of herbage harvested above the three stubble heights decreased as the height of stubble left after grazing increased. The relative proportions of green leaf, dead leaf and stem were similar with all stubble heights although there was slightly less green leaf in the 5 cm stubble.
Keywords: cynodon aethiopicus; grass; grasses; grazing; growth; herbage; leaves; rainfall; regrowth; rotational grazing; star grass; zimbabwe