Reports the results of an investigation conducted, at tiller level, to study the ontogeny of Sporobolus fimbriatus in an unutilized situation, both under normal rainfall conditions and under irrigation; Marked populations of Sporobolus fimbriatus tillers were sequentially sampled at fortnightly intervals under normal rainfall conditions and under irrigation respectively, covering a period from tiller initiation through to senescence after flowering. Parameters recorded included shoot apex elevation, tiller mass and leaf development. Surviving tillers consisted of two sub-populations, those that flowered in autumn and those that remained vegetative. Flowering of individual apices was rapid, but was spread over a number of months for the whole population. Moisture played an important role in determining tiller size, and at least some forage was lost through leaf drop on tillers rested for a whole season.
Keywords: Eastern Cape; False Thornveld; flowering; Irrigation; leaf development; Leaves; Ontogeny; Rainfall; senescence; Shoot apex; south africa; Sporobolus fimbriatus; Stems; tiller mass; Tillers
Journal of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa.