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Effect of fire intensity on the grass and bush components of the Eastern Cape thornveld.

WSW Trollope
NM Tainton


Reports the results of a study conducted to investigate the effect of fire intensity on the recovery of grass and sward, and to investigate what intensity offire is required to burn down bush of a particular size and species; Fire intensity is an important component of the fire regime and its effect on the grass sward and bush were investigated in the Eastern Cape thornveld. Research indicated that fire intensity had no effect on the recovery of grass after a burn. Conversely it had a marked effect on the topkill of bush to a height of 2m. The results provide valuable guidelines for the use of fire in controlling bush encroachment.

Keywords: Bush; Bush encroachment; Eastern Cape; effect of fire; Fire; Fire intensity; fire regime; Grass; grass sward; grasses; recovery; Savanna; south africa; Thornveld; Vegetation recovery; Veld burning

Journal of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1727-9380
print ISSN: 1022-0119