A rotating-boom rainfall simulator was used to obtain quantitative data on certain parameters comprising the universal soil loss equation (USLE). Although it was necessary to make important assumptions in this study, it was found that there was no significant difference between the derived data and the rainfall simulator results. This is particularly true of soil erodibility and of the cover and management factor. An example of the use of the USLE to predict soil losses under natural veld conditions, is discussed. A relatively high soil loss of 3,86 t/ha/year was estimated for a pioneer grass cover (2% basal cover) with a 4% slope in contrast to a soil loss of only 0,61 t/ha/year from a climax cover (6% basal cover) with the same slope, on a Hutton soil. There were no significant differences in soil loss between the Hutton and Valsrivier soils.
Keywords: afrikaans; basal cover; grass; management; rainfall; slope; soil erodibility; soil loss; south africa; universal soil loss equation; veld condition
Journal of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa.