A rotating-boom rainfall simulator is being used to measure soil losses and run-off from natural veld in different successional stages and different slopes. Run-off as much as 94,34% of the applied volume of water and soil loss of 5,74t/ha were recorded from a pioneer grass cover with a 2,42% slope. Of all the variables under consideration, basal cover had the greatest influence on run-off, while slope had statistically no significant influence. Both basal cover and slope had statistically a significant (P<0,05) effect on the amount of soil loss from natural veld. Basal cover highly significantly related to soil loss (r2 = 0,69), but slope had no significant relationship to soil loss and run- off.
Keywords: afrikaans; basal cover; erosion; grass cover; grasses; orange free state; rainfall; run-off; slope; soil erosion; soil loss; south africa
Journal of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa.