Present methods of evaluating veld composition in relation to grazing capacity can be criticised on grounds of subjectivity, especially with regard to the assignment of relative values to the constituent species. Data relating to botanical composition and estimated grazing capacity, derived from long-term animal production systems trials, were used to examine the possibility of increasing objectivity. A "multiplier-correlation" method involving four palatability classes was devised, which appears to provide valid estimates of the status of different species in term of grazing capacity. Multivariate analysis of the proportional species composition, classified into four palatability classes, provided confirmation of the validity of the multiplier-correlation method.
Keywordsanimal production; Animal production systems; athole research station; Botanical composition; botany; composition; ermelo district; Evaluation methods; Grazing capacity; method; Multiplier-correlation methods; multivariate analysis; Palatability; palatability classes; south africa; Species composition; veld; Veld composition
Journal of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa.