Production, digestibility of OM and chemical composition of five promising Anthephora pubescens Nees ecotypes (VH4, VH7, VH9, VH17 and VH20) at two fertiliser levels were compared on a soil of the Mangano, Annandale and Sunbury series. The highest dry matter yield was obtained from VH7 and VH20. Ecotypes VH20 and VH17 established best, while VH4, VH20 and VH17 had better leaf to stem ratio than VH7 and VH9. The differences in chemical composition (P, K, Ca, Mg and Zn), crude protein content and digestibility between ecotypes were not large. The highest number of grazing days and a grazing capacity of 2,68ha/LSU at a high grazing intensity, was recorded for the ecotype VH20 in the ripe seed stage. The relatively high protein content (14,1%) and digestibility (69,9%) of grazing material, collected by oesophageally fistulated steers indicated a pasture of potential.
Keywords: Annandale; Anthephora pubescens; Cape Province; Chemical composition; crude protein; crude protein content; Digestibility; Dry matter production; dry matter yield; Ecotypes; Feeding value; grazing capacity; Grazing days; grazing intensity; Mangano; pasture; Phytomass; Soil types; Sunbury; yield
Journal of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa.