Marked populations of Themeda triandra tillers were sequentially sampled at fortnightly intervals under normal conditions and without moisture stress respectively, covering a period from tiller initiation through to senescence after flowering. Parameters recorded were height of shoot apex, tiller mass, leaf area, leaf number, secondary tiller development and premature tiller mortality. Tillers of irrigated plants had a significantly higher mass, more elevated shoot apices, and produced a greater total number of leaves than those of non-irrigated plants. Fewer unstressed tillers senesced prematurely than those experiencing moisture stress.
Keywords: development; eastern cape; false thornveld; flowering; Irrigation; leaf area; leaves; moisture stress; mortalities; mortality; ontogeny; secondary tillers; senescence; shoot apex; shoot apices; south africa; themeda triandra; tiller mass; tiller mortality; tillers
Journal of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa.