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Influence of stocking rate and grazing system on plant basal cover and botanical composition of veld in the northern Cape.

JH Fourie
DPJ Opperman
GJ Redelinghuys


Changes in basal cover and botanical composition were recorded at four stocking rates, both under continuous and rotational grazing in the northern Cape. The experiment was conducted with cattle. Results suggested that heavier stocking rates could be applied under rotational grazing than under continuous grazing without veld deterioration occurring. After four seasons, botanical composition deteriorated only under continuous grazing. Plant basal cover decreased significantly at the heavy stocking rates, both under rotational and continuous grazing. This result illustrates the danger of grazing strategies based on an injudicious increase in stock numbers. Basal cover was found to be a better indicator of trends in veld conditions than botanical composition, despite annual fluctuations resulting from rainfall variability. Changes in the botanical composition apparently occur only where veld deterioration is more advanced.

Keywords: basal cover; botanical composition; Cattle; continuous grazing; Continuous grazing systems; grazing; grazing strategy; Grazing systems; northern cape; Plant basal cover; rotational grazing; Rotational grazing systems; south africa; stocking rates; Veld; veld condition; Veld conditions

Journal of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1727-9380
print ISSN: 1022-0119