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Evaluation of veld potential in East Griqualand using beef cattle under two grazing management systems.
Beef production from veld, in the short term, was found to be greater under a continuous grazing system than under a rotational grazing system. Average daily gains decreased from a maximum in late-spring and the highest three year mean value was 0.5kg/animal/day. Livemass gains/ha were highest at a stocking rate of 2.2 animals/ha and were 131.4kg/ha under continuous grazing and 88.6kg/ha under rotational grazing and 0.55kg/ha/day at a stocking rate of 1.7 animals/ha under rotational grazing. However, optimum economic stocking rates were estimated to occur below those where beef production/ha was minimum.
Keywords: average daily gain; beef cattle; beef production; cattle; continuous grazing; daily gain; East Griqualand; grazing; grazing management; Grazing management systems; kokstad agricultural research station; management; Optimum stocking rates; rotational grazing; south africa; stocking rate; stocking rates; veld; Veld potential
Journal of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa.
Keywords: average daily gain; beef cattle; beef production; cattle; continuous grazing; daily gain; East Griqualand; grazing; grazing management; Grazing management systems; kokstad agricultural research station; management; Optimum stocking rates; rotational grazing; south africa; stocking rate; stocking rates; veld; Veld potential
Journal of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa.