The short-term effect of an early-spring, moderately hot fire on the woody component of the Sourish Mixed Bushveld was monitored before, directly after, and for two successive seasons following the fire. The average height of trees less than three metres was reduced due to severe topkill, but trees higher than three metres were unaffected by the fire. Tree volume, leaf volume, total biomass and available browse initially decreased, but recovered within two seasons. Fire damage and regeneration depended on the structure of the woody component. Biomass production and woody seedling establishment was stimulated by the fire.
Keywords: available browse; biomass; biomass production; browse; bush control; bushveld; damage; fire; mixed bushveld; regeneration; seedling establishment; sourish mixed bushveld; south africa; towoomba agricultural development centre; tree production; trees
African Journal of Range & Forage Science, 12(3): pp. 128-130