Kleingrass (Panicum coloratum L.) forage yield evaluation plots are often established at a density of 6.0 plants m-2 to accommodate mechanical transplanting and harvesting equipment. However, forage crops are usually established from seed at higher plant densities. Experiments were conducted to determine if populations respond dissimilarly to planting density, and if the ability to statistically distinguish among populations is density-dependent. Two, 2-y studies compared the yield of five populations of kleingrass at three plant densities (6.1, 10.8 and 24.2 plants m–2). Although all populations produced more dry matter per plant with decreasing density, population x density interactions were absent. In addition, experiments at all three densities had equivalent power to statistically separate populations. Kleingrass yield trials can be established at a density which will accommodate mechanical mechanical transplanting and harvesting equipment with confidence that the relative differences among populations determined fgrom research plots will be similarly observed in swards.
Keywords: botany; density; effects; forage; forage production; forage yield; kleingrass; Panicum coloratum; plant density; Temple; Texas; U.S.A.
African Journal of Range & Forage Science 1995 12(1): 7–10