The Range Management Area (RMA) programme was implemented in 1982 to improve range condition and livestock management productivity on Lesotho's rangelands by mobilizing collective management of communal grazing areas. Active local participation in management initiatives, equitable distribution of costs and benefits and popular support of the programme are prerequisites to collective management. These factors were assessed at the first two RMAs to be established in Lesotho (1 and 2, established in 1982 and 1985, respectively). In RMA 2 the residents were more systematically involved in developing the programme. In both RMAs active participation was largely confined to activities which were either mandated in RMA regulations and enforced, or voluntary but consistent with pre-programme practices. In spite of possible regressive impacts on livestock distribution and supplemental feeding requirements, participants did not view equity as problematic. Popular programme support was high, particularly at the older RMA. These findings suggest that significant progress has been made in setting the stage for collective management but continued outside support is required at both RMAs.
Keywords: communal grazing; grazing; lesotho; livestock; management; productivity; range condition; range management; range management area programme; rangeland
African Journal of Range & Forage Science, Vol. 10(1), pp. 54-62