BD Okello
University of Natal, Department of Range & Forage Resources, Private Bag XOI, Scottsville, 3209 Republic of South Africa; current address: Mpala Research Center, PO Box 555, Nanyuki, Kenya
TP Young
University of California, Davis, Department of Environmental Horticulture, Davis CA 95616, United States of America
The effects offire, bruchid seed beetles and soil type on the germination and seedling establishment of Acacia drepanolobium were experimentally investigated. Seeds subjected to three seed treatments (bruchid damaged, bruchid-free burnt, and bruchid-free unburned) were germinated in three different soil types (black cotton, red sandy, and clay loam soils). Undamaged seeds had significantly higher germination (85.3%) than either beetle damaged (20.6%), or burnt seeds (3.4%). Soil type did not influence germination or seedling survival. Burnt seeds had an average germination of 2% in clay loams and 5.4% in red sandy soils. while beetle damaged seeds had an average germination of 15.6% in clay loams and 28. 7% in black cotton soils. Treatment effects on seedling mortality or survival were not significant but seedlings from undamaged seeds had higher survival rates than those damaged by bruchid beetles.
African Journal of Range & Forage Science 17(1, 2&3): 46-51