Cenchrus ciliaris is a well known planted pasture in the dryer parts of southern Africa and one of the most important species in the Limpopo Province, South Africa. For many years it was believed that this species should be cultivated annually for better production, but without any scientific evidence. A study was undertaken at Towoomba Research Station, Limpopo Province, South Africa to evaluate no tillage (0C), one initial tillage (1C), annual tillage (AC) and two mulch treatments (0M + M as 2t hay ha–1). The study was conducted from 1990 to 1994, with a below average rainfall. It was done in a camp where the sward had a dense cover and a camp with an uneven, sparse cover. It can be concluded that with such rainfall seasons there was no necessity to aerate the grass, where the cover was dense. Mulch and tillage had a positive effect on DM production (1–2t ha–1), in areas with a sparse cover, but there was doubt that it had any financial benefit.
Keywords: blue buffalo grass, mulch and pasture-aeration
African Journal of Range & Forage Science 2004, 21(3): 201–203