Data collected between 1992/93 and 1996/97 from a long-term grazing trial were used to investigate the interaction between grazing animals and veld grass. Comparisons were made, firstly between the impacts of sheep and cattle grazing, and secondly between various types and frequencies of rest, on veld vigour and condition. Treatments involved applying a full growing season rest in alternate years, half a growing season rest (late season) in alternate years and no rest to veld grazed by sheep or cattle at similar stocking rates. Changes in proportional species composition were determined using a nearest plant point technique. Species composition of veld grazed by sheep deteriorated over the trial period in contrast to the veld grazed by cattle, which improved in species composition. Grazing management recommendations for sourveld should include a bias towards cattle and include resting for enhancing vigour of the palatable grasses.
Keywords: grazing management; livestock type; livestock movement
African Journal of Range & Forage Science 2002, 19(1): 55-62