Vegetation in the Kroonstad area was sampled by means of a stratified random distribution of 235 4m x 4m quadrats within physiographic-physiognomic categories as determined and delineated on aerial photographs. "Normal" and "inverse" association-analyses were carried out. "Normal" association-analysis where low-frequency species were, respectively, included in and excluded from the computation, gave broadly similar results in so far as the major groupings are concerned. Local frequency and constancy estimates were computed for various groupings. Association tables were drawn up for major groupings and Poore's "successive approximation" approach was adopted in reducing species association to noda. There is a strong subjective element in this determination of noda, and an effort should be made to reduce it to a minimum.
Keywords: physiographic features|physiognomy|Orange Free State|frequencies|aerial photographic surveys|Kroonstad|vegetation|association analyses|assessments|methods|distributions