In fertilisation programmes emphasis is usually given to the mineral elements and organic factors of the soil are neglected. Soil productivity is a function of both the inorganic and organic status of the soil and the latter warrants greater attention in Southern Africa. On the basis of the nitrogen balance in fertile, highly stocked grassland, the author discusses the improvement of less productive grasslands in lower rainfall areas. Suggested measures for improvement include subsoiling, surface treatment for better water penetration and seedbed preparation. The introduction of legumes for symbiotic nitrogen fixation and the production of supplementary feed on manured, cultivated lands are discussed as measures for the attainment of high stocking rates and improved fertility balance.
Keywords: Southern Africa|stocking rates|treatments|legumes|low rainfalls|subsoiling|productivity|organic manures|soils|soil productivities|fertilisation|grasslands|manures|inorganic nutrients|nitrogen