This speculative paper based on overseas research and preliminary investigations at Dohne indicates that there is considerable scope for establishing lucerne with the aid of a companion crop, or interseeding in maize in the medium rainfall areas of the Eastern Cape. The successful introduction of such practices would be a tremendous stimulus to lucerne growing as lucerne could be established without the loss of income associated with the current bare fallowing during the productive summer months and would further minimize soil erosion. Successful companion cropping probably depends mainly on seeding being done at the onset of the rainy season, but also on choice of companion crop. The inter-seeding of lucerne in maize in wide rows offers an excellent alternative to companion cropping and noteworthy success has been achieved in preliminary investigations at Dohne.
Keywords: companion crops|planting methods|competition|investigations|rainy seasons|soil erosion|medium rainfall areas|Dohne Research Institute|crops|lucerne|seeding|Eastern Cape Province|interseedings|maize