Ecology embraces the study of the structure and function of ecosystems. Seven fields of ecology may be distinguished viz. systems, production, phytosociological and physiological ecology, and aut-, gen- and paleoecology. A review is given of the objects and main investigational facets of each. The future of ecology is discussed in a conjectural way. A new surge of awareness of the need for conservation has become manifest. There have been recommendations that large species pools be preserved, against a snowballing population pressure, in conserved natural areas representing different ecosystems. The impoverishment of species diversity, and denudation of the earth surface cannot be contemplated with equanimity. The time spent on ecological research of a theoretical and sophisticated nature should bear some relationship to the degree of development of a country.
Keywords: phytosociology|genecology|ecological research|population pressures|preservation|species pools|conservation|physiology|production|ecology|ecosystems|plants|plant ecology|development|palaeoecology