In a series of experiments designed to test the use and efficiency of paraquat (when applied as Gramoxone) in controlling the growth of veld grasses in the Ngongoni Sourveld, it was shown that when applied at as low a rate as 106 g cation per hectare (0.2 pound per morgen) the veld could be burned in summer thus retarding the subsequent growth of grasses. Higher concentrations of paraquat were statistically more effective but from a practical point of view there was no difference between the effects of 1.06 and 3.18 kg paraquat cation per hectare (2 and 6 pound per morgen respectively). The later in the season that paraquat was used, the greater was its effect when measured in the following season. The physical condition of the sward affects the efficiency of the herbicide only in the case of the later applications in the season.
Keywords: swards|growth control|seasonalities|vegetation|burning regimes|grasses|growth|grasslands|efficiencies|Natal|natal areas|veld|herbicides|paraquat|Gramoxone