In two pot experiments radioactive paraquat was applied to certain important veld grasses (Experiment I-Aristida junciformis, Themeda triandra, Elyonuris argenteus, Andropogon filifolius, Eragrostis curvula; Experiment II-A. junciformis, E. argenteus) to determine the extent of translocation at a young stage of growth with treatment at different times of the day. In the first experiment movement occurred in all grasses along the lentgth of the treated leaf, while in E. curvula and A. filifolius the herbicide was translocated to other leaves also. The second experiment indicated the importance of application of paraquat at 1700 hours for maximum translocation.
Keywords: grasses|Natal|leaves|herbicides|movements|treatments|experiments|veld|paraquat|radioactive substances|translocations|growth stages