The effect of stage and height of cutting on the herbage yield of irrigated lucerne was investigated over four years at the Dohne Research Institute. Five cutting stages were used, namely when the lucerne was 12, 24 and 36 cm high as well as at 10% and full bloom stages. Each stage was harvested at four cutting (stubble) heights, namely ground level and 4, 8 and 12 cm above ground level. The herbage yield increased markedly with stage of development and reached a maximum at the 10% and full bloom stages with the former producing the better quality herbage. Cutting heights from 0 to 8 cm above ground level did not materially affect the yield when cut each time the crop became 24 cm tall or at later stages of development. The 12 cm cutting height reduced the yield at the 36 cm tall and full bloom stages.
Keywords: lucerne|cutting heights|herbage yields|irrigated fields|fodder crops|plants|Dohne Research Institute|Eastern Cape Province|cutting trials|defoliations|flowering stages|harvesting frequencies|developmental stages|herbage quality